Saturday, October 13, 2012

Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

So if you spend anytime reading food blogs you've probably come across the recipe for Oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies.  The same food blogger used this chocolate chip cookie recipe to enrob her favorite candy bars too.  I've been wanting to try the Oreo stuffed cookies for awhile.  I just saw her variation using candy bars recently.  When I compared the cookie recipe and saw that it was the same I decided to do both this weekend. 

I went through my pantry and found everything I could wrap in cookie dough...
I found Oreo's, Snicker bars, Reese's Peanut Butter cups, Hershey bars and marshmallows.  So first to make the cookie dough.

The cookie dough was pretty stiff but came together quickly.  It's your basic cookie dough but uses brown sugar and regular sugar, two sticks of butter, eggs, vanilla, flour, baking soda, salt and chocolate chips.  I had to mix the chocolate chips in by hand.

Once the dough was mixed together I staged the prep area.  I cut the snickers bars in half, untwisted the Oreos to make double stuff (sort of they didn't come apart very cleanly), separated the marshmallows, unwrapped the peanut butter cups and broke the Hershey bars into quarters.

Jenny has detailed step by step directions on her blog for the Oreo recipe but basically I just scopped out a dipper of cookie dough and sat it on top of the goodie.  Then I'd scope out a second dipper of cookie dough.  I'd flatten the cookie dough a bit and then put it on the bottom of the goodie then it would just mush the dough together until the goodie was completely covered.  I ended up with huge cookies...
I had a second pan and ended up with about 19 total.  I stuck them in the oven for 12 minutes (like the recipe said) but at the end of that time it didn't look like they had cooked at all.  I like my chocolate chip cookies under cooked but that was ridiculous!  I left them in until they looked cooked...
By that time my marshmallows had leaked out of their cookies...  Maybe I should  have taken those two out at 12 minutes.

I left the cookies on the sheet until they were cool.  Then I cut them open so I could sample each one.
The marshmallow ones just had a bit of a chewy center that was kind of like caramel.  The Hershey bar ones were just okay... If I did these again I'd make the cookie dough without the chocolate chips and only have the chocolate from the bar.  The PB cups were just average... like eating a PB cup with a cookie, nothing special happened from cooking them together.  The Oreo ones were probably my second favorite.  The Oreo cookie part softenend and married with the cookie dough.  But the best were the snickers - the complex flavor of the candy bar really added to the yumminess of the chocolate chip cookie. 

All in all nothing real special but easy to make and you end up with a suprise inside a huge yummy chocolate chip cookie - not bad!

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