Friday, April 5, 2013

Homemade Snickers

I found this recipe on How Sweet It Is.  I've had it printed out forever to make.  I'm so glad I finally made it.  This recipe takes some time, since you have to let each layer chill completely before adding the next.  I just put them in the frig after each step and it set up pretty quickly. 

Also, she recommends making these in one of those disposable cake pans you can buy at the grocery store.  But she puts that right at the end of the recipe so I made it in a regular pan.  If you are going to take this to an event or plate this up I would recommend that you follow that advice. 

I used Ghirardelli milk chocolate chips for the two chocolate layers. 

 Layer one - milk chocolate chips and peanut butter. 
I melted the chocolate and peanut butter on the stove.  This only took me a couple of minutes. 
 I poured that in a 13x9" pan that I had sprayed really throughly with no-stick. 

 I put it in the frig and worked on some other things. 

Next I prepped all the ingredients for the nougat. 

 I melted the butter, added in the sugar and the evaporated milk. 
 After I boiled that for 5 minutes I added the peanut butter, marshmallow fluff, peanuts and vanilla. Then I poured/spread this over the firm chocolate. 
 Back into the frig. 

After another break (maybe 30 minutes) I got started on the caramel layer.  I didn't have whipping cream so I just used whole milk. 
 It took a long time for the caramels to melt.  I got restless so I turned it up to medium. 
 It went pretty quick after that.  I poured/spread that over the nougat layer. 
Back into the frig.  The final layer was the same as the first, chocolate and peanut butter. 
 One more trip to the frig.  I let this sit in frig over night. 

The next day I had a piece. 
 It was really yummy!  I really liked the nougat layer.  It wasn't quite the same as a "real" snickers.  I could taste the peanut butter in the chocolate layers.  I think if I had used cream or milk to thin out the chocolate it would have been closer.  Also, the peanuts are a little too small.  I was trying to make sure I didn't have any full halves in there but I think next time I would leave some of the pieces larger.  I also think next time I might use less caramel, just a bit less, to get the ratios closer.

Now the bad part...
This is based on 24 servings, which is reasonable size but ironically it's higher than a full size snickers, which is only 280 calories... 

I'm glad I made them and I think in general I like them better than "real" snickers but given the extra calories - Snickers is good enough.  :-)

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