Sunday, June 23, 2013

Bake 52 Rewind - Tres Leches Cake

So I didn't take any pictures of making this... but it turned out really good. 

The cake part is pretty basic - lots of cinnamon flavor.  The hardest part was cooking the sweetened condensed milk in the microwave...
My first try resulted in a mess (above), so I had to start over and stir after every minute (or less) and watch it the whole time.  I don't know if it really got carmalized or thickened like it was supposed to but it almost boiled over again so I figured it was good enough.

After the cake is cooked you poke a bunch of holes in the top and pour the three milk (the sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk and cream with vanilla) over the top.  Then you let it sit in the frig for three hours to let the milk get fully absorbed by the cake. 

I let it sit over night so I could do that last step (the whip cream frosting) right before serving it. 

I had a piece for breakfast :-) and then sent the rest with Jonathan to Bishopric meeting, so they could have some.  Then his Sunday School class finished it off. 

This isn't the sort of thing I'd normally make - cake soaked in milk - doesn't sound that appetizing to me.  But I was glad I did make it.  The cake is incredibly moist (obviously) and sweet, but not sickly sweet.  The cinnamon and whip cream frosting really make the whole thing taste wonderful.  The whip cream frosting isn't sweet to me at all but it's the perfect flavor and texture compliment to the cake.  Overall I really liked it and I'd recommend it!

Check out Amanda's blog for the full recipe. 

1 comment:

  1. This was one of my favorite desserts that we made. I recently saw someone post about a chocolate Tres Leche cake that looks really good.
