Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Bake 52 Week 47 Sweet Potato Pie

This week it was pie - sweet potato pie. I've never had sweet potato pie so I don't have anything to compare it to, but as far as pies go it's pretty easy to put together.

The first step was to make the crust. It's a bit time consuming because you have to chill the dough for about an hour and then freeze the crust before you par bake it. I used the traditional single-crust pie dough. I haven't used this recipe before but it followed the same method that the all-butter double-crust pie dough I used for the peach pie we made earlier in the year.

Turned out nice.  I dug the beans out that I used for the peach pie, covered the crust with aluminum foil and filled it with beans.  I cooked it for 30 minutes and got started on the filling.

The first step was to microwave the sweet potatoes, then I scopped the flesh out.  I knew I had more sweet potato than I needed so I didn't work too hard to get all the flesh out.  Then I mashed the butter in with the sweet potatoes.

Then I started mixing up the eggs, sugar, nutmeg and salt.  I left out the bourbon and molasses.  I didn't have either one, don't have any reason to have either on hand so I didn't buy them.

Then I mixed in the vanilla and milk.  Once it was all mixed well I added it to the mashed sweet potatoes.

The crust was still in the oven so I had some time on my hands until the next step.  I measured out the brown sugar (dark) and waited. 

After I sprinkled the brown sugar across the bottom of the warm crust, I dumped in the filling.

What do you think?  Too much sweet potato?  After about 45 minutes in the oven I had a pie!

It flattened out while it cooled.  The edges got a bit dark and there were sections of the filling, right next to the crust that could be considered burnt. 

After letting it sit for 2 hours it was time for a piece!

Like I said to being with... I've never had sweet potato pie so I don't know how this is supposed to take.  The pie was almost savory.  It had the same level of sweetness as the Creme Caramel we maked a couple of weeks ago.  I could also pick up the egg in the flavor.  I really liked the layer of sugar on the bottom, it complimented the rest of the filling really well.  It wasn't what I expected but overall it was good.  It grew on me with each bite! 

If you want to try it check out Talesha's blog for the recipe. 

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