Thursday, March 7, 2013

Bake 52 Rewind - Lunchbox Brownies

This is the lastest Bake 52 recipe that I did.  You can find the complete recipe here.  The recipe is the Peanut Butter Swirl version.  I just made the regular version, which is exactly the same, just skip swirling peanut butter into the batter. 

The "regular" version has an option for sprinkling chopped pecans or walnuts on top of the batter before baking.  I decided to substitute the nuts for chocolate chips.  If you aren't a huge chocolate fan like me I'd skip the chocolate chips... These brownies are very, very rich!!  Yum.

My pictures didn't turn out very well, but you'll get the idea. 

I chopped up the chocolate, weighed out the butter.
Then I melted the butter and chocolate in the microwave, stirring every 30 seconds.  It took about an minute and half. 

I set it aside to cool while I measured out the flour, soda & salt - mixed it.  Then I mixed the eggs, sugar and vanilla together.
Next step - add the choclate mix to the egg/sugar mix.  Then fold in the flour mix.  Once it's all combined pour it into a 8x8" pan.  The recipe suggests using a foil sling.  I just greased the pan. 

Once I'd poured the batter into the pan I sprinkled chocolate chips across the top. 
Ready to go into the oven.  Twenty-five minutes later I was done!
Your supposed to let the brownies cool in the pan until completely cool.  Yeah right!  I stuck them in the frig and managed to wait about 30 minutes before Jonathan and I dived in. 

Jonathan talked me into two pieces.  He didn't have to work very hard.  :-)  Jonathan said these were the best brownies he's had (at least from what he could remember).  They really didn't take any longer than a box mix.  I'd recommend them.  The recipe makes 16 pieces. 

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