Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Bake 52 Rewind Boston Cream Cupcakes

So I continued my quest to bake all the dishes I missed the last year in the Bake 52 group.  This was really delicious!  Jonathan had two!  So you know they are really good when Jonathan wants seconds.  You can find the full recipe on Amanda's blog. 

I started with the pastry cream.  It has to chill for about two hours so it was the first thing I made (all day as a matter of fact).  It calls for 3 egg yolks.  I saved the egg whites because I'm planning on making angel food cake next week and it calls for 12 egg whites.

While I was measuring out these ingredients I got the cream heating on the stove. 
I mixed the sugar and salt into the egg yolks.  Then I dumped in the cornstarch and mixed it in.
On the first stir I ended up with cornstarch all over the counter.  I wiped what I could back into the bowl and tried to be more careful...

While the cream continued to heat I prepped everything else.  Last time I made this, the next part went really fast. 
That white blog in front of the white bowl is the butter. 
Jonathan was sweet enough to take a picture while I tempered the eggs.  Then I dumped it all back into the pan and added the butter and vanilla.
Once it was all blended together the cream went into another bowl, I covered it with plastic wrap and stuck in the frig.
While the pastry cream chilled I made some other things which I'll blog about later. 

After about an hour and a half I started on the cupcakes.  I wanted to be sure that the cupcakes would come out clean so I was careful to grease and flour the cupcake tin as directed in the recipe. 
The cupcake batter was pretty straight forward.  Except I forgot to add the pieces of butter to the dry mix one at a time.
It took a little while but I finally got all the butter mixed into the dry ingredients.  There were a few bigger pieces but I figured it was good enough.
I mixed in the three eggs one at a time - at least I remembered that part.
It got really thick.  Then I dumped in milk and vanilla.  I didn't bother to buy whole milk.  I just used the 1% I had on hand. 
I didn't worry about using a 1/3 cup measure to load up the cupcake tin, I just tried to make sure I had an even amount in each cup and used up all the batter.
Twenty minutes later they were done.
After they had cooled ten minutes in the pan I moved them to a cooling rack.  While the cooled the rest of the way I made the chocolate glaze.
I used semi-sweet chocolate because I've found in past recipes that bitter sweet chocolate is too dark for me. 
While the chocolate glaze cooled I started loading up the cupcakes.
I didn't use up all the pastry cream.  I figured I only used about half of it.  But I made sure to use all of the chocolate glaze!  You just can't have too much chocolate.
Jonathan and I had as soon as they had chilled 10 minutes. 
As we finished Jonathan turned to me and said, "Janet... you somehow gave me an empty plate!"in a really pitiful voice.  :-)  So I got him a second one.  But I told him I was taking the rest to work to save us both from ourselves!

I worked up the nutrition information.  This is based on using only half the pastry cream, so take it with a grain of salt...
The over four hundred calories didn't stop me from eating every bite! 

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